Свързани събития

  • GROW09: Jan 25, 2009 - Jan 28, 2009

Автор Тема: First International Workshop on GCC Research Opportunities  (Прочетена 3748 пъти)


  • Напреднали
  • *****
  • Публикации: 497
  • Distribution: Debian Lenny / Fedora 11 x86_64 / Ubuntu 9.10 / Mac OS X 10.6.n
  • Window Manager: Gnome
    • Профил
GROW focuses on current challenges in research and development of compiler analyses and optimizations based on the free GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). The goal of this workshop is to bring together people from industry and academia that are interested in conducting research based on GCC and enhancing the compiler suite to better support embedded and parallel/multicore systems. The workshop will promote and disseminate compiler research (recent, ongoing or planned) with GCC, as a robust industrial-strength vehicle that supports free and collaborative research.

За повече информация: http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~phjk/GROW09/