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16  съобщения и събития / Предстоящи събития / Firebird Conference, November 11 - 13 2010, Bremen, Germany -: Sep 24, 2010, 21:26
За повече информация: http://www.firebird-conference.com/
17  съобщения и събития / Предстоящи събития / Free and Open Source Software, November 12 - 14 2010, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam -: Sep 24, 2010, 21:19
FOSSASIA is one of the top Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) events for developers, enterprises, governments and users in South East Asia. It will be held in Ho Chi Minh City from November 12 – 14, 2010 with the focus:  Lightweight Computing and Women in IT. In 2010 the event hosts the OOo community with a special track. Participants from across Asia and the world are expected to join the three day event. Please join us.

FOSSASIA offers sessions for newbie users, advanced business users, enthusiastic promoters, beginning coders or anyone interested in cutting-edge Open Source technologies. Hosting 1400 participants in 2009 with GNOME.Asia it is one of the largest annual community events in Asia. More than 100 volunteers support participants at the conference. More than half of all participants are women. Over 50 percent of speakers come from outside Vietnam. The event is supported by the Ho Chi Minh City Government and private partners.
What can I learn and do at the event?

    * Learn more about Free Software and Open Source technologies.
    * Get to know new lightweight mobile and desktop solutions and start using them.
    * Find out about development models and how to join projects.
    * Learn how to translate software online or on your computer.
    * Participate in the install fest of new programs and make your computer faster and more secure.
    * Take part in free OpenOffice.org and Linux courses and get a certificate of participation during the event.
    * Meet us at the FOSS party and celebrate the fun of getting together with people from all over the world.
    * Learn about job opportunities with global and local companies and get in touch with representatives.

За повече информация: http://fossasia.org/
18  съобщения и събития / Предстоящи събития / initLab - Asterisk, September 24 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria -: Sep 23, 2010, 10:24
Лекция „Practical VoIP with Asterisk for personal/SOHO use“ by Alex Kuklin

Този петък вечер (24.09.2010) Алекс Куклин ще проведе лекция на гореописаната тема. Лекцията ще бъде в init Lab от 19:00. Подробности за това за какво ще се говори можете да видите по-долу:
telephony concepts, classical and ip telephony compared;
current services, technological;
current services, costs;
client support;
own server as a way to optimize expences;
advanced telephony: complex IVR (Interactive Voice Responder) systems and applications with asterisk;
Лекцията ще се проведе на английски!
Входът е свободен, тъй че можете да доведете и приятел(и), интересуващ(и) се от темата.
За който не знае къде се намира init Lab са следните обяснения:
ул. Лозенец 4 (намира се срещу х-л Хилтън, зад лъскавата сграда), ет 5 (последен), ап.9 (средната врата). Тъй като няма звънец, долу на входната врата звъните на моя милост (0885 448475 или 088 359 9 356), за да ви отворя.
Карта можете да видите на http://initlab.org/about/address/
По-здрави и до петък вечер!
П.П. А, да, петък вечер е, можете да си донесете и бира, хладилника работи :)

За повече информация: http://initlab.org/events/лекция-practical-voip-with-asterisk-for-personalsoho-use-by-alex-kuklin/
19  съобщения и събития / Предстоящи събития / Wordpress Camp, October 2 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria -: Sep 21, 2010, 14:48
WordCamp е конференция фокусирана върху всичко свързано с WordPress. WordCamp събитията са неофициални и се организират и провеждат от WordPress общността. Всички от нормални потребители до разработчици участват, споделят идеи и се запознават. Събитието е отворено както за WordPress.com така и за WordPress.org потребители.

За повече информация: http://wordcamp.bg/
20  съобщения и събития / Предстоящи събития / Open Fest, November 20 - 21 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria -: Sep 21, 2010, 00:22
OpenFest e единствената по рода си в България конференция, посветена на свободната култура, свободния софтуер и софтуера с отворен код, свободното споделяне на знания – фестивал на свободното творчество. OpenFest е ежегодна среща на всички почитатели, създатели, поддръжници и нови фенове на свободните изкуства и свободния софтуер.

Целта на OpenFest е да популяризира проекти, реализирани с помощта на свободен софтуер и софтуер с отворен код, както и да бъде форум за обмен на идеи и добри практики в областта. Същевременно организаторите всякога се стараят да дадат поле за изява и на свободното изкуство.

Емблемата на OpenFest е отворено за знания и информация човешко око, чийто мигли са лъчи на изгряващо слънце. Изгревът е символ на зараждаща се свобода. Автор на идеята и графичната реализация на тази символика е художникът-хакер Здравко Здравков.

Мотото на OpenFest е “Да споделим свободата!”

Първият Openfest се състои през 2003 година в София и оттогава досега фестивалът се провежда всяка година. Още от първото си провеждане OpenFest протича под патронажа на Президента на Република България.

Организатор на OpenFest е Фондация Отворени Проекти, чиито усилия всяка година намират подкрепата на цялата българска free/open source общност и на много партньори и приятели.

За повече информация: http://openfest.org/
21  съобщения и събития / Предстоящи събития / OpenOffice.org HackFest, November 6 - 7 2010, Attraktor in Hamburg, Germany -: Sep 21, 2010, 00:17
Dear OOo hackers,

the OOoCon just ended, and we realize how little time we can spend together face2face each year. To properly fix that problem, we hereby announce the next event around OpenOffice.org - a HackFest in Hamburg, specifically targeted to developers, to give all of us more face time & collectively work on the code.

The OpenOffice.org HackFest will take place on the weekend of November 6./7. 2010 in the Attraktor in Hamburg, and a tentative program could look like this:

    * Friday night - beer & fun, warming up
    * Saturday morning - Intro talks, Hands-on sessions
    * Saturday afternoon/night - collective hacking, bug fixing
    * Sunday morning - wrap-up, review, document

For those who are in need for a bursary, we have a limited travel funding budget available. For sleeping, couchsurfing at the organizers is available. Be aware that would be in an unheated loft, so bringing a sleeping mat and a good sleeping bag would be essential. For more comfortable reasonably priced acommodations see the wiki page.

We look forward to meet you there, stay tuned for further announcements around programme and sponsoring! To register yourself, just drop a short note to hackfest@openoffice.org and we'll follow up with further information soon.

За повече информация: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Hackfest2010
22  съобщения и събития / Предстоящи събития / Linux Plumbers Conference, November 3 - 5 2010, Cambridge, MA -: Sep 21, 2010, 00:08
The Linux Plumbers Conference Program Committee  is pleased to announce Jonathan Corbet as our opening keynote speaker. Mr. Corbet is well respected in our community as a kernel developer and the co-founder and executive editor of Linux Weekly News.

We’re also pleased to announce that speakers have been selected for the presentation track. Click here for the full list of accepted presentations. We’re very excited about this year’s speaker line up, and we’re equally excited about the broad range of topics proposed for the micro-conferences. It is shaping up to be an interesting and productive conference.

За повече информация: http://www.linuxplumbersconf.org/2010/
23  съобщения и събития / Предстоящи събития / ApacheCon, November 1 - 5 2010, Westin Peachtree, Atlanta -: Sep 20, 2010, 23:59
Servers, the Cloud, and Innovation...

ApacheCon, the official user conference of The Apache Software Foundation, features dozens of technical, business, and community-focused sessions at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, featuring highly-relevant, professionally-directed presentations that demonstrate specific problems and real-world solutions.

За повече информация: http://na.apachecon.com/c/acna2010/
24  съобщения и събития / Предстоящи събития / Linux Kernel Summit, November 1 - 2 2010, Cambridge, MA -: Sep 20, 2010, 23:57
The Linux Kernel Summit brings together the world's leading core kernel developers to discuss the state of the existing kernel and plan the next development cycle.  This two day conference is invitation-only and focuses on development and innovation through sessions and workshops that encourage interaction and discussion between kernel developers and industry leaders.

Attendees to the Kernel Summit are chosen via a nomination process. If you are interested in attending and would like to be nominated, you are encouraged to subscribe to the Linux kernel mailing list. Details of the Kernel Summit nomination process will be broadcast on the list.

За повече информация: http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linux-kernel-summit
25  съобщения и събития / Предстоящи събития / GCC & GNU Toolchain Developers’ Summit, October 25-27 2010, Ottawa,Ontario, CA -: Sep 20, 2010, 23:52
The GCC & GNU Toolchain Developers’ Summit brings together the core development team of the GNU Compiler Collection with those working on the other toolchain components to discuss the state of the art. We focus on providing a vendor neutral environment to encourage open dialog, technology demonstrations, as well as long term technical roadmap development. The Summit is a unique opportunity for developers and serious enthusiasts from all over the world to meet, present their work and to work together to advance the state of Free Software development technology.

За повече информация: http://www.gccsummit.org/2010/
26  съобщения и събития / Предстоящи събития / IRILL Days, October 4 -5, Paris, France -: Sep 20, 2010, 23:43

The goal of IRILL is to take over some of the significant challenges coming from the generalisation of Free and Open Source Software; for this, we want to attract some very special people to join it, and this page tries to give a rough idea of the identi-kit of an IRILL member.

A typical senior researcher at IRILL is a well established and recognised researcher, that has also participated, or followed actively the development of some free or open source software project, and that is ready now to bridge the gap between these two activities. Stepping back for a while from the code and software development, he identifies some significant issues in the evolution of that development, makes them the object of his research, and once some significant improvements come out, will make an effort to bring them to the attention of the developer community of the original project, ideally up to the point of having them adopted. This same criterion applies to whole projects or research teams joining IRILL.

In parallel with the research activity, we encourage activities oriented towards the development of new components of a Computer Science curriculum, specifically taking into account the availability, for  use, contribution and study, of free and open source software.

Researchers, teachers, projects and team are hosted in the center for a limited amount of time.
Community developers

One of the center's foremost activity is the invitation of top notch free and open source developers to come and spend a limited time (typically ranging from two weeks to two months) in the center, to continue their regular activity in the center's rich environment, while interacting with the center's members, via a few seminars, or master classes. From this interaction, research and collaboration ideas will emerge, as well as significant contributions to the teaching materials.
Industry partners

Specific research and development projects carried on by industrial partners may be hosted for a short period in the center, with the same goal of fostering collaboration and innovation, transferring technology from research to industry, and seeding research  with issues from the real world.

За повече информация: http://www.irill.org/
27  съобщения и събития / Предстоящи събития / Foundations of Open Media Software, October 3 - 4 2010, New York, US -: Sep 20, 2010, 23:38
Who should attend?

FOMS is for individuals and organizations that work on open audio and video software, specifications, and installations. FOMS is a unique forum in which to talk with like-minded individuals about common problems and how to solve them.

This year, FOMS will have a special emphasis on the new WebM format announced by Google, Mozilla, and Opera. We will identify and close technology gaps to help progress WebM towards a baseline codec solution for HTML5.

FOMS is highly technical and very hands-on, so it's not for casually interested parties. But anyone with an interest in the future of mass media should attend the Open Video Conference.

За повече информация: http://www.foms-workshop.org/foms2010OVC/
28  съобщения и събития / Предстоящи събития / Mini Debian Conference, October 30 - 31 2010, Paris, France -: Aug 10, 2010, 00:49
За повече информация: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Miniconf-Paris/2010
29  съобщения и събития / Предстоящи събития / FSOSS 2010, October 28-29th 2010, Toronto, Canada -: Aug 10, 2010, 00:47
he annual Free Software and Open Source Symposium provides a venue to share the latest trends in open source. It is an event aimed at bringing together industry, developers, educators and other interested parties to discuss open source, open web, and academic/industry partnerships.

This dynamic two day event offers presentations, panel discussions and hands on workshops allowing you an opportunity to collaborate with your peers and learn from your mentors. Join the wave of the future and see how open source software is used in classrooms, labs and industry! Presentation proposals are now being accepted.

The deadline for the first round of presentations proposals for this year's symposium is August 15, 2010. Please submit your proposal in the first round for best consideration.

За повече информация: http://fsoss.senecac.on.ca/2010/
30  съобщения и събития / Предстоящи събития / European Conference on Computer Network Defense, October 28 - 29 2010, Berlin -: Aug 10, 2010, 00:45
The sixth European Conference on Computer Network Defense (EC2ND) will be held at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin). The conference brings together researchers from academia and industry within Europe and beyond to present and discuss current topics in applied network and systems security.

За повече информация: http://2010.ec2nd.org/
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