Свързани събития

  • EuroDjangoCon: May 04, 2009 - May 06, 2009

Автор Тема: European Django Conference May 4-6 2009, Prague, Czech Republic  (Прочетена 4488 пъти)


  • Напреднали
  • *****
  • Публикации: 497
  • Distribution: Debian Lenny / Fedora 11 x86_64 / Ubuntu 9.10 / Mac OS X 10.6.n
  • Window Manager: Gnome
    • Профил
EuroDjangoCon is a Django conference that aims to bring together the community and provide a wide range of sessions, panels, lightning talks and showcases of Django usage within various businesses. We aim to educate, provoke thought and bring people together to turn ideas into working code.

Our ultimate aim is to provide an affordable event, which brings together Django communities from all over the world. EuroDjangoCon is presented by Siu Design and helped by a number of volunteers, and i'd like to thank all those who have offered advice or gone out of their way to make EuroDjangoCon possible!

За повече информация: http://euro.djangocon.org/