Свързани събития

  • PyCon AU: Jun 26, 2010 - Jun 27, 2010

Автор Тема: Python Conference, June 26 - 27 2010, Sydney, Australia  (Прочетена 2004 пъти)


  • Напреднали
  • *****
  • Публикации: 497
  • Distribution: Debian Lenny / Fedora 11 x86_64 / Ubuntu 9.10 / Mac OS X 10.6.n
  • Window Manager: Gnome
    • Профил
What Is PyCon AU?

Australian Python programming enthusiasts are continuing the global PyCon ("Python Conference") tradition in Sydney.

The first Australian PyCon event is expected to host over 150 Python programming enthusiasts. The weekend will see dozens of presentations on web programming, business applications, game development, science and mathematics, social issues, education, testing, databases, documentation and more.

Unlike formal conferences, PyCons are run by volunteer Python programmers; the users' perspective governs everything from talk selection to conference cost, making an exceptionally worthwhile conference. Participants themselves generate content, which can be as short as a 5 minute Lightning Talk, or as long as a 45-minute "How To" tutorial.

PyCon Australia 2010 will be a great way to meet other enthusiasts, learn new skills, share ideas and establish connections.

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