Свързани събития

  • SemTech 2010: Jun 21, 2010 - Jun 25, 2010

Автор Тема: Semantic Technology Conference, June 21 - 25 2010, San Francisco, CA  (Прочетена 2079 пъти)


  • Напреднали
  • *****
  • Публикации: 497
  • Distribution: Debian Lenny / Fedora 11 x86_64 / Ubuntu 9.10 / Mac OS X 10.6.n
  • Window Manager: Gnome
    • Профил
SemTech 2010 is the world’s largest, most authoritative conference on semantic technology for enterprise computing professionals.  It covers every major technology and application area you’ll need to know.

Semantic technologies are being used in lots of industries today. Sometimes they address problems that couldn’t be solved until semantics came along, and other times they are used because they are faster, cheaper and simpler than the alternatives.

За повече информация: http://semtech2010.semanticuniverse.com/