Свързани събития

  • LVEE: Jul 02, 2009 - Jul 05, 2009

Автор Тема: Linux Vacation / Eastern Europe July 2 - 5 2009, Belarus  (Прочетена 2816 пъти)


  • Напреднали
  • *****
  • Публикации: 497
  • Distribution: Debian Lenny / Fedora 11 x86_64 / Ubuntu 9.10 / Mac OS X 10.6.n
  • Window Manager: Gnome
    • Профил
A regular international meeting and a conference named “Linux Vacation / Eastern Europe” is carried out for the fifth year in Belarus, combining both communication and rest of the enthusiasts of free software. in common and Linux in particular.

LVEE has the goal of experience sharing between the specialists at design, development, maintenance and adoption of open source solutions, attracting more wide subset of the IT community to the public dialog about the free software abilities, problems of its integration and ways of their solving.

The International conference of developers and users of free / open source software is the central part of LVEE. Its format includes reports, workshops, and round tables. Speakers will be provided with a conference hall, a projector and sound. An abstracts digest of the Conference will be published before its beginning.

Tasks of the Conference are to give participants the ability of the experience exchange, to organize discussions on most urgent evolution directions and tendencies in the branch and calculated practical knowledge. Meeting is aimed to help in setting necessary contacts, providing development to the ideas, acquiring support of the open source community.

The Conference covers a wide range of platforms – from workstations and servers, including virtualization-based ones, to embedded systems and mobile devices. The subjects traditionally include following directions:

    * development and testing of free software,
    * administrating systems based on it,
    * training specialists in free software technologies,
    * adaption experience of the open source solutions,
    * legal and organizational peculiarities of the free software usage.

All other directions related to free / open source software are welcome to extend listed subjects.

Recommended Conference languages are Russian, Belarusian and English.

За повече информация: http://lvee.org/en