Linux за българи: Форуми

Linux секция за начинаещи => Настройка на програми => Темата е започната от: Shadowfox в Feb 05, 2005, 23:59

Публикувано от: Shadowfox в Feb 05, 2005, 23:59
*** 'glib-config --version' returned 1.2.3, but GLIB (1.2.10)
*** was found! If glib-config was correct, then it is best
*** to remove the old version of GLIB. You may also be able to fix the error
*** by modifying your LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviroment variable, or by editing
*** /etc/ Make sure you have run ldconfig if that is
*** required on your system.
*** If glib-config was wrong, set the environment variable GLIB_CONFIG
*** to point to the correct copy of glib-config, and remove the file config.cache
*** before re-running configure

Е добре! Инсталирах нова версия - хубаво. А сега ако някой ми каже как да махна старата....... С мдк 10.1 съм..
Помогнете защото вече доста време се занимавам с конфиг-а на XMMS!!!