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  • HPLFM: Apr 19, 2010

Автор Тема: High Performance Computing Linux Financial Markets, April 19 2010, NYC  (Прочетена 2778 пъти)


  • Напреднали
  • *****
  • Публикации: 497
  • Distribution: Debian Lenny / Fedora 11 x86_64 / Ubuntu 9.10 / Mac OS X 10.6.n
  • Window Manager: Gnome
    • Профил
High Performance Computing systems including Linux, Low Latency, Virtualization, Cloud, Grid, Blade, Cluster are hot technologies for financial markets. It's a way for traders to speed their orders to market faster than their competitors while lowering computer costs. This High Performance Computing marketplace will assemble 700 financial markets and Wall Street IT professionals at a convenient networking and exhibition forum.

Linux, Open Source, High Performance Computing offer speed and cost savings which will be discussed by leading Wall Street and financial markets speakers.

За повече информация: http://www.flaggmgmt.com/linux/