Автор Тема: Как се инсталира това нещо?  (Прочетена 7324 пъти)


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Как се инсталира това чудо? В readme файла има всякакви глупости, но не и инструкции за инсталация.  ::) 


AsRock B85M Pro4, Core i7-4770, Palit GTX 1660 Ti 6GB, Corsair CX750 PSU, Corsair 32GB DDR3-1600, Storages = 6.5TB, Cinnamon 5.2.7.
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Re: Как се инсталира това нещо?
« Отговор #1 -: Jun 11, 2018, 03:50 »
С make баце.

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Re: Как се инсталира това нещо?
« Отговор #3 -: Jun 11, 2018, 07:16 »
Все още не съм се научил да чета мисли за разлика от Малин. Не знам, за какво става въпрос. Но щом говорим за прочитаемо (readme), значи е нещо, за което няма готов пакет. Инструкциите за инсталиране на пакети с код, се намират не в прочитаемото, макар да може да са споменати и там. Намират се (логично) в Install. И някак си не вярвам в readme да пише глупости. Там пише най-важните неща за един пакет от код. Ако глупости, то и кода е също глупост.

По принцип, но само по принцип и от ден на ден все по-неверярно, има стандартна процедура по инсталация на суров код. Тя е поредицата команди confogure&&make&&make install. Но в днешния зоопарк от езици и по-важното „събиращи системи“, това не е непременно вярно. Ето Гном всяка година сменят събиращата си система. В историята на КДЕ се знае също за поне три смени. Затова точния начин е описан в стандартния Install.

В $por4e2 e истината  ;)


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Re: Как се инсталира това нещо?
« Отговор #4 -: Jun 11, 2018, 10:31 »
Това е изходен код и трябва да се компилира.

ПП: предвид явните умения на Малин да чете мисли, както и да разгадава сложни мистерии като в съседната тема, предлагам да го направим духовен водач на форума.  ;D ;D ;D ;D [_]3 [_]3 [_]3


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Re: Как се инсталира това нещо?
« Отговор #5 -: Jun 11, 2018, 11:51 »
ПП: предвид явните умения на Малин да чете мисли, както и да разгадава сложни мистерии като в съседната тема, предлагам да го направим духовен водач на форума.  ;D ;D ;D ;D [_]3 [_]3 [_]3
Мнеее. Аз предлагам титлата да бъде: "Главен шаман на форума"

Това mp3gain да не би да е някакво дето работи директно върху мп3 данните без да декодира и кодира файла отново?
Ако е такова ще е много ценно, щото няма да има деградация на качеството.
« Последна редакция: Jun 11, 2018, 12:04 от Naka »

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Re: Как се инсталира това нещо?
« Отговор #6 -: Jun 11, 2018, 12:30 »
Мнеее. Аз предлагам титлата да бъде: "Главен шаман на форума"

нашият Гуру :D


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Re: Как се инсталира това нещо?
« Отговор #7 -: Jun 11, 2018, 13:13 »
Мнеее. Аз предлагам титлата да бъде: "Главен шаман на форума"

нашият Гуру :D

С две ръце, три крака и две уши съм ЗА!

В $por4e2 e истината  ;)


Aко даваха стипендия за най-глупави, щях да съм човека с най-много Mини Kупъри


Reborn since 1998 || 15.09.2007 totally М$ free && conscience clear


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Re: Как се инсталира това нещо?
« Отговор #8 -: Jun 11, 2018, 14:42 »
Това mp3gain да не би да е някакво дето работи директно върху мп3 данните без да декодира и кодира файла отново?
Ако е такова ще е много ценно, щото няма да има деградация на качеството.
Явно и Наката може да чете мисли, при това по-добре и от Малин.  ;D  Тази сутрин се оправих с проблема - дадоха ми ППА, което съдържа готов дебиан пакет за инсталиране на mp3gain.Доскоро под Уиндоус използвах програма със същото име (http://mp3gain.sourceforge.net/download.php), но тя не сработва добре под Виното, защото си търси някакви Visual Basic библиотеки, които Виното няма как да ѝ предостави. Така че продължих с търсенето и питането и така ми дадоха ППА с mp3gain за Линукс. После само си инсталираш предпочитан фронт енд - easymp3gain (има GTK и Qt) и действаш.

go_fire, ето ти цялото съдържание на файла за четене. Ако намериш някъде да пише "install"/"installation", ще те черпя, защото и компютърът (Ctrl+F) не намери такава дума, съответно във файла няма инструкции за инсталация.

/*** aacgain - modifications to mp3gain to support mp4/m4a files** Copyright (C) 2004-2010 David Lasker, Altos Design, Inc.**** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or** (at your option) any later version.**** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the** GNU General Public License for more details.**** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA**/
AACgain is a modification to Glen Sawyer's mp3gain, to support AAC (mp4/m4a/QuickTime) files as well as mp3 files. If you are not familiar withmp3gain, stop reading this, and go to http://mp3gain.sourceforge.net
1. BACK UP YOUR MUSIC FILES BEFORE USING AACGAIN! UNLIKE MP3GAIN, AACGAIN IS   NOT COMPLETELY REVERSABLE. THE UNDO OPTION IS INTENDED TO RESTORE A MUSIC   FILE TO BE FUNCTIONALLY EQUIVALENT TO ITS ORIGINAL STATE, BUT IT WILL NOT   BE BIT-FOR-BIT IDENTICAL TO THE ORIGINAL FILE. IT IS POSSIBLE FOR APPLE   TO CHANGE THE ITUNES MUSIC FILE FORMAT IN WAYS THAT ARE INCOMPATIBLE   WITH AACGAIN, RESULTING IN CORRUPTED MUSIC FILES THAT CANNOT BE RESTORED   TO THEIR ORIGINAL STATE. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGED FILES.2. AACGain supports files in the mp4/Quicktime file format. These files   usually have a file extension of .mp4, .m4a, or m4v. Raw AAC files,   files encoded with HE-AAC/SBR, or Apple Lossless files are not supported.3. DRM'ed files purchased from the iTunes music store are not supported. You   may convert these to .m4a format by burning them to a CD-ROM and importing   them back into iTunes, or by using one of the underground methods to   losslessly convert them to .m4a.4. AACGain takes the same command line options as mp3gain - no   changes have been made to the command usage.5. If you rename the AACGain.exe executable to mp3gain.exe, it will work    with the Visual Basic front-end MP3GainGUI.exe.6. When calculating or applying album gain, you may mix aac and mp3 files   in the same command.7. The /t (use temp file) option is ignored for aac files. A temp file   is always used. The mp4v2 Optimize function is used to copy the   processed file back to the original name. Experience has shown that this   is required for processed music files to play on older iPods.8. The /w (wrap) flag is ignored for aac files, since allowing an aac file   to wrap will leave it in an unplayable state.9. The /f (assume input file is an MPEG 2 Layer III) option is ignored   for mp4/m4a/m4v files. If a file starts with a 'ftyp' atom, it is assumed    to be an mp4 container, even if /f was specified.10. The /s i (id2v3) option is ignored for mp4/m4a/m4v files. The tags for    these files are stored in iTunes metadata format as described below.11. The following metadata tags will be added to your mp4/m4a files:     - replaygain_track_gain     - replaygain_album_gain     - replaygain_track_peak     - replaygain_album_peak     - replaygain_track_minmax     - replaygain_album_minmax     - replaygain_undo    These are all free-form metadata tags (moov.udta.meta.ilst.----)    with 'data' text fields in the same format as the mp3gain    equivalents. You may use AtomicParsley (download from sourceforge)    to view the tags.    SUPPPORTThis is free software. No support is provided.
You may try to post questions on the Hydrogen Audio AAC Tech forum:http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showforum=14I regularly monitor this forum, and use it to announce new releasesof aacgain.
You may email me questions, but there is no guarantee of a response.If you have what you believe to be a valid .m4a/.mp4 file that is not processed correctly by aacgain, please attach it to your email.I do not support the original mp3gain code.
WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 1.9a) Fixed a bug in mp4v2 which caused iTunes music video files   to fail with "not a valid mp4/m4a file" error.b) Gives a more meaningful error message when attempting to   process Apple Lossless files.c) Built with updated mp4v2 from Google Code, which should build   error-free on modern Windows and Linux systems.d) Built with updated faad2 code, which should build error-free   on modern Windows and Linux systems.d) Built with latest mp3gain version 1.5.2 sources checked into CVS,   which include id3v2 tag support.e) MSVC++ solution and project files have been converted to Visual   C++ 2010 Express Edition.    WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 1.8a) Built with mpeg4ip/mp4v2 version 1.6.1. aacgain 1.7.1 was built with   version 1.5.20. mp4v2 version 1.6.1 corrects problems that corrupted    video files containing Quicktime chapter markers.b) Built with latest mp3gain version 1.4.7 sources checked into CVS.    The mp3gain changes made since 1.7.1 support sample rates up to 96000.   Previous versions had a maxmimum sample rate of 48000.c) Ignores faad2 "scalefactor out of range" errors. These errors resulted   in "invalid file format" errors on apparently good files.
WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 1.7.1a) MSVC++ solution and project files have been converted to Visual   C++ 2005 Express Edition. Other than the version number, no other    source code changes have been made.
WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 1.7a) If the total length of the directory plus file name path exceeded   64 bytes, memory corruption would occur. This has been corrected.
WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 1.6a) Files with a 'cprt' (copyright) tag are now processed correctly.   Previous versions of aacgain corrupted the metadata of files with a   copyright tag.b) AACGain now works on video or other files where the first audio track    has a track number of other than 1. Previous versions required the   audio track to have a number of 1. AACGain will still only process   the first audio track found on a file. Thanks to Arthur Yarwood at   Sony Computer Entertainment Europe for this fix.
WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 1.5a) Running AACGain on Apple lossless or other unsupported file format    resulted in a crash with an unhandled exception. This is now fixed.
WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 1.4a) Temporary files are created in the same directory as the input file.   Formerly they were created in the same directory that the program was run   in. This solves a problem only seen on Unix systems where the temporary    file could not be renamed back to the original input filename, if the    input file was located on a different filesystem from where the program    was run. Windows users are unaffected by this problem and can continue to   use 1.3.
WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 1.3a) Always uses the /t (use temp file) option, even if it is not specified   on the command line. This resolves issues where processed files would   not play on the iPod Shuffle.b) Preserves original values of MP4 properties bufferSizeDB, maxBitrate and    avgBitrate. Without this change, mpeg4ip/mp4vs was recalulating the   actual values of these parameters. This caused bitrate as displayed by   iTunes to change slightly, i.e. songs ripped at 320KB would display as   319KB.c) Incorporates recent changes to mp3gain which prevent crashes when   working with 48KB files on Linux.d) Source code directory structure was reorganized to be compatible with mp3gain    CVS on sourceforge. Thanks to Glen Sawyer, the AACGain source code is now    hosted on sourceforge's CVS repository as part of the mp3gain project.
WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 1.2a) Fixes compatibility issue with MP3GainGUI version 1.2.5 or 1.3.4.b) All temporary files created are erased.   WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 1.1a) Multi-channel and mono files now work.b) Fixes compatibility issues with MP3GainGUI:   - /o option always outputs Album gainc) /f option is ignored for AAC files - see usage notes below.d) Uses portable versions of all library functions, and has been   successfully compiled under Linux. Thanks to Prakash Punnoor   for his help with this.   BUILDING AACGAIN FOR WINDOWS FROM SOURCE CODE
MSVC++ solution and project files have been converted for Visual C++2010 Express Edition. The MVSC++ 2005 and 6.0 project and solution filesare no longer being maintained. It is now required to use VC++ 2010 tobuild aacgain for Windows.
In order to build AACGain for Windows, the following components are required. You may download them from the links listed below:
a) aacgain
   Thanks to Glen Sawyer, aacgain source code is checked into the sourceforge   CVS repository as part of the mp3gain project. A CVS client is required.   See the instructions at http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=49979. The   commands to check out the aacgain source code are:   cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@mp3gain.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/mp3gain login    cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@mp3gain.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/mp3gain co -P aacgain
b) mp3gain   You may use either the zipped version 1.5.1 source code at   http://mp3gain.sourceforge.net/download.php or check out the code from   the latest CVS. The CVS commands to check out the mp3gain source code are:   cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@mp3gain.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/mp3gain login   cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@mp3gain.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/mp3gain co -P mp3gain   The latest version of aacgain was build from mp3gain source files from CVS   that were most recently modified on May 19 03:48:34 2010 UTC.   c) faad2   aacgain was built using the the FAAD2 release 2.7 dated 2009-02-10   downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/faac/files/.      Download any of the faad2-2.7 source files and expand the archive as a peer   to the aacgain directory. Rename its top-level directory to faad2.
   Due to the way aacgain is programmed, using modified copies of faad2's   decoder.c and syntax.c, use of any earlier or later version of faad2   is not recommended.   d) mp4v2   As of version 1.9, aacgain uses the mp4v2 code found at   http://code.google.com/p/mp4v2/. aacgain is built using the mp4v2 r355   snapshot. aacgain uses the r355 snapshot, rather than the official   release 1.9.1, due to its use of iTMF tags.      Download the tarball mp4v2-trunk-r355.tar.bz2, and expand the archive.   Rename its top level directory to mp4v2.      Due to the patches described below, use of any earlier or later version   of mp4v2 is not recommended.      A patch file mp4v2.patch is in the aacgain directory. This patch    fixes two issues:
   1) The first 2 groups of patches to mp4track.cpp remove code which       recomputes the maximum and average bitrates. If this code is not    removed, a file with a nominal bitrate of 128KB may have its bitrate    changed to something like 131287.
   2) The last group in the patch to mp4track.cpp fixes a bug which prevents      iTunes music videos from being processed correctly. See the comments   in the patch for details. I  reported this bug to the mp4v2 developers,   and it is fixed in the latest mp4v2 svn. However, the Visual Studio project   files in svn will not convert to VC++ Express, due to their use of features   only in the full (paid) version of Visual Studio. Therefore, I am   using the r355 tarball, and patching the bug myself.
   cd to the aacgain directory where mp4v2.patch is located. Apply the patch with    the command
   patch -p0 <mp4v2.patch
   If you don't care about the above issues you may skip applying this patch.   The components must be arranged in the following directory hierarchy:-- aacgain containing aacgain.sln/.vcprojx and source files-- faad2    -- libfaad containing libfaad.sln/.vcproj-- mp4v2 (rename its top directory from what was in the tar.bz2 file)   -- vstudio9.0 containing mp4v2.sln   -- src and other directories-- mp3gain   -- mpglibDBL      Earlier versions of aacgain built mp4v2 as part of the aacgainsolution. However, the mp4v2 from Google Code requiresmassive changes to its include paths to do this. It is much easierto build it separately, and then just link its libraryinto the aacgain solution. In order to build libmp4v2,open mp4v2\vstudio9.0\mp4v2.sln in VC++2010. Allow the conversion tocomplete. Delete any projects marked "(unavailable)". Build the "Debug Static" and "Release Static" configurations.
Open faad2\libfaad\libfaad.sln in VC++2010 and allow the conversion tocomplete. Don't build libfaad at this point; it will be built as part of aacgain.
Open aacgain/aacgain.sln. There should be 3 projects in your solution:1. aacgain2. libfaad3. mp3gain
Make the following changes to the libfaad project properties:a) Change the C++/Code generation/Runtime Library property for libfaad to   "Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)" for debug build and "Multi-threaded (/MT)"   for release build. b) Change the C++/Optimization/Whole Program Optimization property to   YES(/GL) for the release build only.c) Change the Librarian/General/Link Time Code Generation property   to YES(/LTCG) for the release build only.
At this point, you may press F7 and cross your fingers:-)
The aacgain.exe executable will be found in the aagain/Debug or aacgain/Release directories.
Thanks to Prakash Punoor, the source code is portable, and has been compiled for Linux and Mac OS X.
I now have access to both Linux and Mac systems, so I have modifiedPrakash's scripts to build correctly with the latest code changes.
See the file aacgain/linux/README.linux for detailed Linux/Mac build instructions.
mp4v2 is used to parse the mp4/QuickTime file format, toread individual samples so that they can be passed to faad2, and toread and write replaygain metadata tags.
faad2 is used to de-compress and decode the aac frames into linear PCM for analysis by the replaygain algorithm.
Files syntax.c and decoder.c are slightly modified versions of thecorresponding files from faad2. The modifications allow the offsetsand original values of the global_gain fields to be saved. Since themodified functions were declared static in libfaad, I am able to usemy own modified copies of these functions without getting duplicatedefinition link errors.
mp4v2 is used to apply any gain changes needed. It does this as follows: a) creates a new audio trackb) copyies the samples from the original audio track to the new track   with the global_gain fields appropriately modifiedc) deletes the original audio trackd) modifies the trackId property of the new track, and the nextTrackId   property of the moov atom, to be the same as in the input file.
aacgain.cpp is a wrapper for the above functionality.
mp3gain.c has been modified to call aacgain when the symbol AACGAIN isdefined. mp3gain versions 1.5 and later have this modification included.
I am a total newbie to digital audio, and I created AACGain primarilyas a learning exercise. I couldn't have done it without the help of others:
1. Thanks to the user community at hydrogenaudio.org and audiocoding.com,   especially Menno and Hans-J\FCrgen.2. Thanks to Bill May for helping me get started with mp4v2.3. Thanks to Prakash Punnoor, Hardloaf, Ben Allison, and Miguel Angel Alvarez   for their help with Linux and Mac.4. Last, but not least, thanks to Glen Sawyer for creating mp3gain.
Dave Laskerdave@altosdesign.com
« Последна редакция: Jun 11, 2018, 14:47 от rado84 »

AsRock B85M Pro4, Core i7-4770, Palit GTX 1660 Ti 6GB, Corsair CX750 PSU, Corsair 32GB DDR3-1600, Storages = 6.5TB, Cinnamon 5.2.7.
I use Arch, btw.


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Re: Как се инсталира това нещо?
« Отговор #9 -: Jun 11, 2018, 14:53 »
Явно и Наката може да чете мисли, при това по-добре и от Малин.  ;D  Тази сутрин се оправих с проблема - дадоха ми ППА, което съдържа готов дебиан пакет за инсталиране на mp3gain.Доскоро под Уиндоус използвах програма със същото име (http://mp3gain.sourceforge.net/download.php), но тя не сработва добре под Виното, защото си търси някакви Visual Basic библиотеки, които Виното няма как да ѝ предостави. Така че продължих с търсенето и питането и така ми дадоха ППА с mp3gain за Линукс.
Кое PPA?
Това ли? :
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:flexiondotorg/audio
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mp3gain aacgain

Ако да:
За това ли става въпрос?

Distributions:  UbuntuMate; Kubuntu; CentOS; Kali; Raspberry Pi OS ...


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Re: Как се инсталира това нещо?
« Отговор #10 -: Jun 11, 2018, 15:19 »
Същото ППА, да. Точно тази тема не съм я видял, но в същия форум ми дадоха ППА-то, откъдето си инсталирах mp3gain, а после и фронт енда.

AsRock B85M Pro4, Core i7-4770, Palit GTX 1660 Ti 6GB, Corsair CX750 PSU, Corsair 32GB DDR3-1600, Storages = 6.5TB, Cinnamon 5.2.7.
I use Arch, btw.


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Re: Как се инсталира това нещо?
« Отговор #11 -: Jun 11, 2018, 15:35 »
Същото ППА, да. Точно тази тема не съм я видял, но в същия форум ми дадоха ППА-то, откъдето си инсталирах mp3gain, а после и фронт енда.
Е стига бе, човек. Това е буквално втория отговор на твоя въпрос и темата към която е линка, не е като нашите 40 страници политика, а 6 поста :) . Първият е реално как се инсталират!

Относно README-то, явно не схвана go_fire, какво иска да ти каже. Стандартно не се описва инсталацията в README, а в INSTALL (с големи гукви) файл. Разбира се това е стандартно, но кой какъв стандарт си спазва е друга бира. Все пак разработчика е портнал кода за линукс, но си е джамджия.

Ако никой не чете, това което му се пише, какъв е смисъла да му се отговаря?
« Последна редакция: Jun 11, 2018, 15:39 от makeme »

Distributions:  UbuntuMate; Kubuntu; CentOS; Kali; Raspberry Pi OS ...


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Re: Как се инсталира това нещо?
« Отговор #12 -: Jun 11, 2018, 17:01 »
а в INSTALL (с големи гукви) файл.
Еми и ИНСТАЛ няма, ако погледнеш скрийншота от първия ми пост.А в темата описват почти същото, което аз направих, след като ми дадоха адреса на ППА-то. С тази разлика, че при мен не щя да намери програмата чрез терминалните команди и трябваше да ползвам Синаптик за инсталацията.

AsRock B85M Pro4, Core i7-4770, Palit GTX 1660 Ti 6GB, Corsair CX750 PSU, Corsair 32GB DDR3-1600, Storages = 6.5TB, Cinnamon 5.2.7.
I use Arch, btw.


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Re: Как се инсталира това нещо?
« Отговор #13 -: Jun 11, 2018, 18:07 »
ОК. Ще ползвам темата да ти го кажа пак - ползвал съм Ментата и знам от това няколко неща. Ползай си стандартните основни хранилища и няма да имаш ядове. Винаги съм обновявал всичко. И винаги съм ползвал и препоръчваните пакети. Ядове докато съм я ползвал не съм имал никакви. Захитрях, отесня ми и ползвам друго.


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Re: Как се инсталира това нещо?
« Отговор #14 -: Jun 11, 2018, 18:13 »

go_fire, ето ти цялото съдържание на файла за четене. Ако намериш някъде да пише "install"/"installation", ще те черпя, защото и компютърът (Ctrl+F) не намери такава дума, съответно във файла няма инструкции за инсталация.


п.п. Опа. Мейкми, извинявай! Написал си го преди мен, но като видях отговора му, отговорих преди да дочета темата. Направих и аз неговата грешка.
« Последна редакция: Jun 11, 2018, 18:18 от go_fire »

В $por4e2 e истината  ;)


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