Автор Тема: insmod: error inserting 'modul.o': -1 File exists  (Прочетена 3177 пъти)


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Moje li da mi kajete kakva e tazi greshka sled kato izpylnq #insmod modul.o
insmod: error inserting 'modul.o': -1 File exists


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insmod: error inserting 'modul.o': -1 File exists
« Отговор #1 -: Jul 30, 2004, 13:17 »
Значи че,
1) модула е вече вкаран в ядрото.
2) използвай modprobe.

The second is the basic unit of time. It is the length of time taken for 9192631770 periods of vibration of the caesium-133 atom to occur.