Автор Тема: windows vs. linux  (Прочетена 4117 пъти)


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windows vs. linux
« -: Feb 24, 2004, 17:01 »
abe znachi poneje gledam tuka mnogo narod idva i pishe razni raboti ta reshih da vi pitam az kato ste takiva fenove na linux i open source - kakvo mu e tolkova hubavoto na linux-a v sravenenie s windows-a. mene lichno mnogo si me ustroiva windows-a. e da, vqrno, platen e ama koi si go plashta v bg osven firmite (i estestveno durjavnata administracia).
windows-a si e perfektna stabilna operacionna sistema, ima super iaki programki, dokato za linux mnogo trudno mojesh da namerish kakuvto i da bilo svesten software...
osven tova e super po-user friendly, i e mnogo po-krasiv ot koiato i da e grafichna sreda na linux!
ta takiva mi ti raboti

nadqvam se da moje da mi otgovori niakoi na toia vupros

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windows vs. linux
« Отговор #1 -: Feb 24, 2004, 19:11 »
1. Windows e platen
2. Tova che ti ne go plashtash, kakto i 99,99% ot domashnite potrebiteli v BG ne oznachava che edin den tova niama  da se promeni ( shte popitash - kak ?, zasega mislia da ne ti obiasniavam, no poviarvai - lesno e);
3. Plashtaiki license za ispolzvane na windows sponsorirash edin veche dostatychno bogat chovek, chiato cel e TI tikveniko da niamash pravo na LICHEN IZBOR;
4. Linux i drugite Free ( dokolkoto vsiak ot tiah e free ) OSes ti davat imenno tova pravo - IZBIRASH KAKVO KOGA KAK I KOLKO da izpolzvash;
5. Niama programi ? ZA KAKVO PO-TOCHNO ? Dosega sa mi potriabvali samo 2-3 neshta, koito NAISTINA sa samo za  WINDOWS, no ako ZNAESH KAKVO PREDSTAVLIAVAT I KAKVO PRAVIAT ( a ti kato edin glupav potrebitel na Windows ESTESTVENO niama nachin da znaesh 100% ) shte si namerish zamestiteli - 1, 2, 5 programi, koito da TI SVYRSHAT SYSHTATA rabota ... moje bi dori PO-BYRZO ?!
6. I posledno - sporyt po tozi vypros moje da prodylji vechno, no  nabii si v glavata edno : PRAVOTO I JELANIETO da POLZVASH kakvoto ISKASH e zalojeno daje v osnovata na Amerikanskata KONSTITUCIA, a imenno - PRAVOTO NA IZBOR. Bill Gates ne ti dava pravoto da IZBERESH. Toi IZISKVA ot teb PARITE TI za PRAVOTO da POLZVASH. Hmmm ... tuk mislia che edin priatel kazvashe che tova e kato da plashtash na jena si che ia chukash !


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windows vs. linux
« Отговор #2 -: Feb 24, 2004, 19:43 »
Mislia, che }I{opo e mnogo prav. Naistina pravoto za izbor, zalagnalo kato osnovna idea v Linux (a v Open Source vuobshte), e edno naistina goliamo predimstvo na Linux pred Window$ (osven vsichki drugi razbira se). Lichno smored men v grafichno otnoshenie Linux e dosta po-krasiv ot Win-a. KDE
3.1, naprimer, e naistina krasiva grafichna sreda. Osven tova Linux idva s mnogo dopulnitelen software, za koito sushto nishto ne se plashta. Drugo predimstvo e da rechem iadroto. Tova na Window$ idva natupkano s kakvi li ne draiveri, koito edva li niakoga shte polzvash, no prosto ne mojesh da go promenish. Taka e i s tova na Linux-a, no pri edna precompilacia mojesh da si izberesh kakvoto ti e neobhodimo i suotvetno da povishish pone-malko burzodeistvieto na sistemata.


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windows vs. linux
« Отговор #3 -: Feb 24, 2004, 19:55 »
I vote for Linux.
"cause I care
"cause it is open
"cause it is comminute
"cause it has log files
"cause is has multiple X environments
"cause it is logic
"cause it is stable
"cause it is internet"
"cause it it creativity
"cause it is desktop
"cause it is a smart OS
"cause I can control it
"cause there aren't smart people who write viruses for it
"cause it is easy to administrate
"cause it alternative
"cause it helps you learn
"cause I can make it work my way
"cause it can work from a CD or even a diskette
"cause it has multiple distributions
"cause I am free to choose
"cause I can modify it
"cause I can have iptables
"cause it secured
"cause it is not made for money
"cause it has an ideology
"cause it makes people better and wiser
"cause I like it
Dear M$ Fan - you live in an imaginary word, just because you think "They will never come to my house to take away my personal computer with all this pirate M$ stuff on it"
Let is suggest they will not.
You think, "I have cracked anti-virus program and I am secured"
Check M$ bugs, security holes, exploits, etc...
But let's suggest you are secure.
You think "I click next -> next -> done" and it is installed and working properly.
I would rather ask you how many times you have to reboot your machine to install a http server for example, or how much unused stuff is installed on your pc that isn't needed"
But let's suggest you will not care about this.
You think "I like this common user interface and I do not care what is happening to my machine, when it becomes unusable - I will preinstall it"
I would rather ask how much time and strength it will cost to you and how often do this happen, and what is the point of all this?
But let’s suggest you have enough time and you are a really tough to do this.
You think, "This cracked games for Windows is Cool"
I would rather ask you what is your directX version; do you have problems with codecs your video?
But let’s suggest you do not care.
You think "when e newer windows is released I will get in for free I will crack it and I will install it on my machine that I will upgrade so this new Windows version could work properly"
I would rather ask how much money you will give for hardware to run Windows that is not faster than this one released a year ago or how many bugs this new version will be full of.
But let's suggest you are rich.
You think "They will release soon a fix for this bug and security hole"
I would rather ask you "Do you think you want get hacked in this week or month or even year you are waiting?
But let's suggest you do not have anything-important information.
Dear M$ fan - this is not the right place to tell as that M$ products are great - O, God, we know it - that is why we are running Linux.

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