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pppoe проблем
« -: Jul 10, 2009, 00:42 »
наскоро възникна един проблем, а именно, че не мога да си включа интернета към лаптопа. Преди няколко дни нямах никакви проблеми, но тогава изведнъж спря тока...и след това колкото пъти се опитам да го стартирам не се получава. :/ Направих няколко опита да го оправя, но неуспешно, може би и предвид факта, че не съм много на ти с тези неща ^^. Използвам gentoo xfce4, и нета е чрез pppoe...
Та всеки път когато напиша в конзолата pppoe-start излиза: http://dpaste.com/64654/
Надявам се някой да успее да помогне. Благодаря предварително.  :)


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Re: pppoe проблем
« Отговор #1 -: Jul 10, 2009, 01:14 »
/var/run и NFS?!?

но тогава изведнъж спря тока...

Which Is Better: Stale Handles or Stale Love?

To better understand the role of the generation count, imagine a situation in which you are writing a steamy love letter to a colleague with whom you are having a clandestine affair. You start by opening a new editor file on your workstation. Unbeknownst to you, your editor puts the file in the /tmp directory, which happens to be on the NFS server. The server allocates an inode from the free list on that partition, constructs a file handle for the new file, and sends the file handle to your workstation (the client). You begin editing the file. "My darling chickadee, I remember last Thursday in your office," you start to write, only to be interrupted by a long phone call.

You aren't aware of it, but as you are talking on the phone, there is a power flicker in the main computer room, and the server crashes and reboots. As part of the reboot, the temporary file for your mailer is deleted along with everything else in the /tmp directory, and its inode is added back to the free list on the server. While you are still talking on the phone, your manager starts to compose a letter to the president of the company, recommending a raise and promotion for you. He also opens a file in the /tmp directory, and his diskless workstation is allocated a file handle for the same inode that you were using (it is free now, after all)!

You finally finish your call and return to your letter. Of course, you notice nothing out of the ordinary because of the stateless nature of NFS. You put the finishing touches on your letter, "... and I can't wait until this weekend; my wife suspects nothing!" and save it. Your manager finishes his letter at the same moment: "... as a reward for his hard work and serious attitude, I recommend a 50% raise." Your manager and you hit the "send" key simultaneously.

Without a generation count, the results might be less than amusing. The object of your affection could get a letter about you deserving a raise. Or, your manager's boss could get a letter concerning a midday dalliance on the desktop. Or, both recipients might get a mixture of the two versions, with each version containing one file record from one file and one from another. The problem is that the system can't distinguish the two files because the file handles are the same.

This sort of thing occasionally happened before Sun got the generation-count code working properly and consistently. With the generation-count software working as it should, you would instead get an error message stating "Stale NFS File Handle" when you try to access the (now deleted) file. That's because the server increments the generation count value in the inode when the inode is returned to the free list. Later, whenever the server receives a request from a client that has a valid file handle except for the generation count, the server rejects the operation and returns an error.

NOTE: Some NFS servers ignore the generation count in the file handle. These versions of NFS are considerably less secure, as they enable an attacker to easily create valid file handles for directories on the server.

KISS Principle ( Keep-It-Short-and-Simple )
Има 10 вида хора на този свят - разбиращи двоичния код и тези, които не го разбират :P


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Re: pppoe проблем
« Отговор #2 -: Jul 10, 2009, 08:40 »

и все още не мога да разреша проблема...


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