ot Iovko Lambrev(30-03-2004)

Anonsiraneto na predishniia test1 release na Fedora sus sigurnost izglezhdashe dostatuchno originalno s blikashtata emotsionalnost na Bil Notingum (Bill Nottingham), no dnes obiaviavaiki test2 toi opredeleno nadmina sebe si. Da ne bi veche v RedHat da programirat v rimi?

So please test test2 in this mode;
and please test it with your code.
Plus it comes with a new GNOME;
can you test that in your home?
Also X.org is new,
replacing XFree, test it too.
And 3.2.1 of KDE
We need to test, test, test, you see!
So we will test it on our box.
And we will even test out sox.
And we will test it in our house.
And we will test it with our mouse.
And we will test it here and there.
Say! We will test it ANYWHERE!

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