Автор Тема: USB скенер под Slackware 10  (Прочетена 569 пъти)


  • Гост
USB скенер под Slackware 10
« -: Sep 03, 2004, 13:58 »
Имам USB скенер UMAX Astra, който се поддържа от SANE. Въпроса ми е как точно става инсталацията на скенер под Linux-a. Ядрото е 2.4.26 и KDE 3.2.3

И още един въпрос.
Има ли нужда да се дефрагментират Linux дяловете и ако има смисъл с коя програма става това.

  • Гост
USB скенер под Slackware 10
« Отговор #1 -: Sep 03, 2004, 14:17 »
Linux / Unix Command: sane-find-scanner
 Command Library  

sane-find-scanner - find SCSI and USB scanners and their device files  
sane-find-scanner [-h|-?] [-v] [-q] [-f] [devname]  
sane-find-scanner is a command-line tool to find SCSI and some USB scanners and determine their Unix device files. It's part of the sane-backends package.
For SCSI scanners, it checks the default generic SCSI device files (e.g., /dev/sg0) and /dev/scanner. The test is done by sending a SCSI inquiry command and looking for a device type of "scanner" or "processor" (some old HP scanners seem to send "processor"). So sane-find-scanner will find any SCSI scanner connected to those default device files even if it isn't supported by any SANE backend.

For USB scanners, first the USB kernel scanner device files (e.g. /dev/usb/scanner0), /dev/usb/scanner, and /dev/usbscanner are tested. The files are opened and the vendor and device ids are determined if the operating system supports this feature. Currently USB scanners are only found this way if they are supported by the Linux scanner module or the FreeBSD or OpenBSD uscanner driver. After that test, sane-find-scanner tries to scan for USB devices found by the USB library libusb (if available). There is no special USB class for scanners, so the heuristics used to distinguish scanners from other USB devices is not perfect. sane-find-scanner will even find USB scanners, that are not supported by any SANE backend.

sane-find-scanner won't find parallel port scanners, or scanners connected to proprietary ports.


-h, -?
Prints a short usage message.
Verbose output. If used once, sane-find-scanner shows every device name and the test result. If used twice, SCSI inquiry information and the USB device descriptors are also printed.
Be quiet. Print only the devices, no comments.
Force opening all explicitely given devices as SCSI and USB devices. That's useful if sane-find-scanner is wrong in determing the device type.
Test device file "devname". No other devices are checked if devname is given.
sane-find-scanner -v
Check all SCSI and USB devices for available scanners and print a line for every device file.
sane-find-scanner /dev/scanner
Look for a (SCSI) scanner only at /dev/scanner and print the result.  

sane(7), sane-scsi(5), sane-usb(5), scanimage(1), xscanimage(1), xsane(1), sane-"backendname"(5)  

Important: Use the man command (% man) to see how a command is used on your particular computer.

По втория ти въпрос Не '<img'>


  • Гост
USB скенер под Slackware 10
« Отговор #2 -: Sep 03, 2004, 15:21 »
Много ти благодаря за отговора. Всичко е ОК!

А как стои въпроса с USB WEB камерите?

  • Гост
USB скенер под Slackware 10
« Отговор #3 -: Sep 03, 2004, 16:02 »

Аз си подкарах моята камерка и се чуствах малко като Уиндоуски юзер ... мина като next-next-next, направо тъжно '<img'>

1.google -> read many documents (макар че и само с 2 може човек да се оправи, но просто информацията си е информация '<img'> ).
3.modprobe videodev usbcore uhci
4.google + modprobe ov511 (for my webcam)
*камерата ми е почти куче марка , но работи '<img'> / случих на чип '<img'> / как звучи само
5.mkdev video0 ... това го пише в документацията '<img'>
6.chmod 666 video0
7.xawtv '<img'>

kernel 2.6.7
Debian Unstable(всичко е последно/ най-новичко т.е '<img'> )
WebCam TEVION MD9388

Всичко е на 6 '<img'>

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