Автор Тема: Rq: vpn pptp със linux kanotix debian  (Прочетена 7564 пъти)


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Rq: vpn pptp със linux kanotix debian
« -: Oct 31, 2006, 16:54 »
Имам проблем със конекшана под Linux Kanotix Debian(кернелско ядро 2.6.17).Значи конекшана ми е VPN със pptp вързка.Когато се опитам да се конектна ми излиза това в лога:

Примерен код

debug: Username: [color=red]потребителското ми име[/color]
debug: Trying to connect to server "" with user "[color=red]потребителското ми име[/color]"...
info: "pppd" started.
info: [pppd]Using interface ppp0 Connect: ppp0 /dev/pts/4
info: [pppd]Remote message: Greetings!! PAP authentication succeeded
info: [pppd]Deflate (9/15) compression enabled
info: [pppd]found interface eth0 for proxy arp local IP address remote IP address primary DNS address secondary DNS address
info: Successful connected to server "" user: "[color=red]потребителското ми име[/color]") at Tue Oct 31 16:22:29 2006
info: "PppdUpScript" started.
info: "PppdUpScript" finished.
error: [pppd err]
info: "ping_check.sh" started.
info: "PppdDownScript" started.
info: "PppdDownScript" finished.
debug: killing "pptp"...
info: Successful disconnected.
info: Connection duration was 00 hours, 00 minutes, 07 seconds
info: File /etc/ppp/chap-secrets sucessfully removed
info: Reconnect after connection lost enabled, reconnecting...
info: "PppdUpScript" started.
info: "PppdUpScript" finished.
debug: Username: [color=red]потребителското ми име[/color]
debug: Trying to connect to server "" with user "потрбителското ми име"...
info: [pppd]Using interface ppp0 Connect: ppp0 /dev/pts/4
info: "pppd" started.
info: "pppd route process" started.
info: [pppd]Remote message: Greetings!! PAP authentication succeeded
info: [pppd]Deflate (9/15) compression enabled
info: [pppd]found interface eth0 for proxy arp local IP address remote IP address primary DNS address secondary DNS address
info: Successful connected to server "" user: "[color=red]потребителското ми име[/color]") at Tue Oct 31 16:22:45 2006
info: "PppdUpScript" started.
info: "PppdUpScript" finished.
error: [pppd err]
info: "PppdDownScript" started.
info: "PppdDownScript" finished.
debug: killing "pptp"...
info: Successful disconnected.
info: Connection duration was 00 hours, 01 minutes, 18 seconds
info: File /etc/ppp/chap-secrets sucessfully removed
info: Reconnect after connection lost enabled, reconnecting...
info: "PppdUpScript" started.
info: "PppdUpScript" finished.
debug: Username: [color=red]потребителското ми име[/color]
debug: Trying to connect to server "" with user "[color=red]потребителското ми име[/color]"...
info: [pppd]Using interface ppp0 Connect: ppp0 /dev/pts/4
info: [pppd]Remote message: Greetings!! PAP authentication succeeded Deflate (9/15) compression enabled found interface eth0 for proxy arp local IP address remote IP address primary DNS address secondary DNS address
info: Successful connected to server "" user: "[color=red]потребителското ми име[/color]") at Tue Oct 31 16:24:59 2006
info: "PppdUpScript" started.
info: "PppdUpScript" finished.

а когато напиша в конзолата ifconfig ми излиза това:
Примерен код
ppp0      Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
          inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
          RX packets:16 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:148211 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
          RX bytes:1301 (1.2 KiB)  TX bytes:23414795 (22.3 MiB)

Което би трябвавало да значи че имам и интернет :?:  :!:  :?: Да ама не, пингвам примерно ( DNS сървъра ми ) нищо не ми отговаря.Ако някой знае как мога да го оправя този проблем ще се радвам много '<img'>


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Rq: vpn pptp със linux kanotix debian
« Отговор #1 -: Oct 31, 2006, 18:07 »
route -n какво дава?


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Rq: vpn pptp със linux kanotix debian
« Отговор #2 -: Oct 31, 2006, 21:32 »
Цитат (martos @ Окт. 31 2006,19:07)
route -n какво дава?

Това ми дава като напиша route -n :
Примерен код

Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface UH    0      0        0 ppp0   U     0      0        0 eth0


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Rq: vpn pptp със linux kanotix debian
« Отговор #3 -: Nov 01, 2006, 09:55 »
Пробвай с:
route add default gw


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Rq: vpn pptp със linux kanotix debian
« Отговор #4 -: Nov 01, 2006, 10:55 »
Във /var/log/syslog дали pppd не лог-ва повечко информация?

PPP е доста сложен протокол, включващ 2 други протокола -  LCP (установяване и подържане на връзка) и NCP (конфигуриране на тунелираните протоколи).

Очевидно NCP се е справил добре, щом интерфейсът е вдигнат и има присвоени адреси, маски, дефолт гейтуей и т.н.

LCP обаче някъде се е издънва. Дали при установяването на MRU, при размяната на информация за link quality с отсрещния пиър нямам много идея, трябва да видя pppd какво ти е избълвал.

Вероятно оттам идва много ниския брой получени пакети на този интерфейс, както и онзи сбъркания пакет, който го вади ifconfig. Това че няма frame/overruns свидетелства че няма проблеми със MRU най-вероятно, проблем на link-quality negotiation-a ще да е...

"Knowledge is power" - France is Bacon


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Rq: vpn pptp със linux kanotix debian
« Отговор #5 -: Nov 01, 2006, 17:47 »
Цитат (martos @ Ноември 01 2006,10:55)
Пробвай с:
route add default gw

Не става и така '<img'>


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Rq: vpn pptp със linux kanotix debian
« Отговор #6 -: Nov 01, 2006, 18:24 »
Цитат (gat3way @ Ноември 01 2006,11:55)
Във /var/log/syslog дали pppd не лог-ва повечко информация?

PPP е доста сложен протокол, включващ 2 други протокола -  LCP (установяване и подържане на връзка) и NCP (конфигуриране на тунелираните протоколи).

Очевидно NCP се е справил добре, щом интерфейсът е вдигнат и има присвоени адреси, маски, дефолт гейтуей и т.н.

LCP обаче някъде се е издънва. Дали при установяването на MRU, при размяната на информация за link quality с отсрещния пиър нямам много идея, трябва да видя pppd какво ти е избълвал.

Вероятно оттам идва много ниския брой получени пакети на този интерфейс, както и онзи сбъркания пакет, който го вади ifconfig. Това че няма frame/overruns свидетелства че няма проблеми със MRU най-вероятно, проблем на link-quality negotiation-a ще да е...

Немога да разбера какво точно да направя.В този файл ми изкарва всичко какво е ставало , тоест за pptp-то ми изкарва това кото гледам като се логва.Та какво точно трябва да направя че да тръгне това?


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Rq: vpn pptp със linux kanotix debian
« Отговор #7 -: Nov 01, 2006, 18:47 »
grep ppp /var/log/syslog |tail -n 100
cat /etc/ppp/options

paste '<img'>

"Knowledge is power" - France is Bacon


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Rq: vpn pptp със linux kanotix debian
« Отговор #8 -: Nov 02, 2006, 14:16 »
Цитат (gat3way @ Ноември 01 2006,19:47)
grep ppp /var/log/syslog |tail -n 100
cat /etc/ppp/options

paste '<img'>

Ето това ми дава като написах тези две команди:

Примерен код
root@DOBRY:/# grep ppp /var/log/syslog |tail -n 100
Nov  1 17:08:15 localhost pppd[7978]: Sent 18565366 bytes, received 0 bytes.
Nov  1 17:08:15 localhost pppd[7978]: Connection terminated.
Nov  1 17:08:16 localhost pppd[7978]: Exit.
Nov  1 17:09:08 localhost pppd[8469]: no device specified and stdin is not a tty
Nov  1 17:09:53 localhost pppd[8613]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
Nov  1 17:09:53 localhost pppd[8613]: Using interface ppp0
Nov  1 17:09:53 localhost pppd[8613]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/4
Nov  1 17:09:57 localhost pppd[8613]: Remote message: Greetings!!
Nov  1 17:09:57 localhost pppd[8613]: PAP authentication succeeded
Nov  1 17:09:58 localhost pppd[8613]: Deflate (9/15) compression enabled
Nov  1 17:09:58 localhost pppd[8613]: found interface eth0 for proxy arp
Nov  1 17:09:58 localhost pppd[8613]: local  IP address
Nov  1 17:09:58 localhost pppd[8613]: remote IP address
Nov  1 17:09:58 localhost pppd[8613]: primary   DNS address
Nov  1 17:09:58 localhost pppd[8613]: secondary DNS address
Nov  1 17:11:14 localhost pppd[8613]: Modem hangup
Nov  1 17:11:14 localhost pppd[8613]: Connect time 1.3 minutes.
Nov  1 17:11:14 localhost pppd[8613]: Sent 17052306 bytes, received 0 bytes.
Nov  1 17:11:14 localhost pppd[8613]: Connection terminated.
Nov  1 17:11:15 localhost pppd[8613]: Exit.
Nov  1 17:12:03 localhost pppd[9099]: no device specified and stdin is not a tty
Nov  1 17:12:48 localhost pppd[9246]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
Nov  1 17:12:48 localhost pppd[9246]: Using interface ppp0
Nov  1 17:12:48 localhost pppd[9246]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/4
Nov  1 17:12:52 localhost pppd[9246]: Remote message: Greetings!!
Nov  1 17:12:52 localhost pppd[9246]: PAP authentication succeeded
Nov  1 17:12:53 localhost pppd[9246]: Deflate (9/15) compression enabled
Nov  1 17:12:53 localhost pppd[9246]: found interface eth0 for proxy arp
Nov  1 17:12:53 localhost pppd[9246]: local  IP address
Nov  1 17:12:53 localhost pppd[9246]: remote IP address
Nov  1 17:12:53 localhost pppd[9246]: primary   DNS address
Nov  1 17:12:53 localhost pppd[9246]: secondary DNS address
Nov  1 17:14:06 localhost pppd[9246]: Modem hangup
Nov  1 17:14:06 localhost pppd[9246]: Connect time 1.3 minutes.
Nov  1 17:14:06 localhost pppd[9246]: Sent 16811747 bytes, received 96 bytes.
Nov  1 17:14:06 localhost pppd[9246]: Connection terminated.
Nov  1 17:14:06 localhost pppd[9246]: Exit.
Nov  1 17:15:04 localhost pppd[9726]: no device specified and stdin is not a tty
Nov  1 17:15:43 localhost pppd[9856]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
Nov  1 17:15:43 localhost pppd[9856]: Using interface ppp0
Nov  1 17:15:43 localhost pppd[9856]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/4
Nov  1 17:15:47 localhost pppd[9856]: Remote message: Greetings!!
Nov  1 17:15:47 localhost pppd[9856]: PAP authentication succeeded
Nov  1 17:15:47 localhost pppd[9856]: Deflate (9/15) compression enabled
Nov  1 17:15:48 localhost pppd[9856]: found interface eth0 for proxy arp
Nov  1 17:15:48 localhost pppd[9856]: local  IP address
Nov  1 17:15:48 localhost pppd[9856]: remote IP address
Nov  1 17:15:48 localhost pppd[9856]: primary   DNS address
Nov  1 17:15:48 localhost pppd[9856]: secondary DNS address
Nov  1 17:17:00 localhost pppd[9856]: Modem hangup
Nov  1 17:17:00 localhost pppd[9856]: Connect time 1.3 minutes.
Nov  1 17:17:00 localhost pppd[9856]: Sent 17852109 bytes, received 0 bytes.
Nov  1 17:17:00 localhost pppd[9856]: Connection terminated.
Nov  1 17:17:01 localhost pppd[9856]: Exit.
Nov  1 17:17:58 localhost pppd[10349]: no device specified and stdin is not a tty
Nov  1 17:18:37 localhost pppd[10477]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
Nov  1 17:18:37 localhost pppd[10477]: Using interface ppp0
Nov  1 17:18:37 localhost pppd[10477]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/4
Nov  1 17:18:41 localhost pppd[10477]: Remote message: Greetings!!
Nov  1 17:18:41 localhost pppd[10477]: PAP authentication succeeded
Nov  1 17:18:42 localhost pppd[10477]: Deflate (9/15) compression enabled
Nov  1 17:18:42 localhost pppd[10477]: found interface eth0 for proxy arp
Nov  1 17:18:42 localhost pppd[10477]: local  IP address
Nov  1 17:18:42 localhost pppd[10477]: remote IP address
Nov  1 17:18:42 localhost pppd[10477]: primary   DNS address
Nov  1 17:18:42 localhost pppd[10477]: secondary DNS address
Nov  1 17:19:55 localhost pppd[10477]: Modem hangup
Nov  1 17:19:55 localhost pppd[10477]: Connect time 1.3 minutes.
Nov  1 17:19:55 localhost pppd[10477]: Sent 20062981 bytes, received 0 bytes.
Nov  1 17:19:55 localhost pppd[10477]: Connection terminated.
Nov  1 17:19:56 localhost pppd[10477]: Exit.
Nov  1 17:20:23 localhost pppd[10859]: no device specified and stdin is not a tty
Nov  1 17:20:23 localhost pppd[10866]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
Nov  1 17:20:23 localhost pppd[10866]: Using interface ppp0
Nov  1 17:20:23 localhost pppd[10866]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Nov  1 17:20:24 localhost pppd[10880]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
Nov  1 17:20:24 localhost pppd[10880]: Using interface ppp1
Nov  1 17:20:24 localhost pppd[10880]: Connect: ppp1 <--> /dev/pts/4
Nov  1 17:20:24 localhost pppd[10887]: no device specified and stdin is not a tty
Nov  1 17:20:25 localhost pppd[10894]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
Nov  1 17:20:25 localhost pppd[10894]: Using interface ppp2
Nov  1 17:20:25 localhost pppd[10894]: Connect: ppp2 <--> /dev/pts/6
Nov  1 17:20:28 localhost pppd[10894]: Remote message: Greetings!!
Nov  1 17:20:28 localhost pppd[10894]: PAP authentication succeeded
Nov  1 17:20:28 localhost pppd[10894]: Deflate (9/15) compression enabled
Nov  1 17:20:28 localhost pppd[10894]: found interface eth0 for proxy arp
Nov  1 17:20:28 localhost pppd[10894]: local  IP address
Nov  1 17:20:28 localhost pppd[10894]: remote IP address
Nov  1 17:20:28 localhost pppd[10894]: primary   DNS address
Nov  1 17:20:28 localhost pppd[10894]: secondary DNS address
Nov  1 17:20:54 localhost pppd[10866]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Nov  1 17:20:54 localhost pppd[10866]: Connection terminated.
Nov  1 17:20:54 localhost pptp[10869]: anon warn[decaps_hdlc:pptp_gre.c:209]: pppd may have shutdown, see pppd log
Nov  1 17:20:54 localhost pppd[10866]: Modem hangup
Nov  1 17:20:54 localhost pppd[10866]: Exit.
Nov  1 17:20:55 localhost pppd[10880]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Nov  1 17:20:55 localhost pppd[10880]: Connection terminated.
Nov  1 17:20:55 localhost pptp[10883]: anon warn[decaps_hdlc:pptp_gre.c:209]: pppd may have shutdown, see pppd log
Nov  1 17:20:55 localhost pppd[10880]: Modem hangup
Nov  1 17:20:55 localhost pppd[10880]: Exit

# /etc/ppp/options
# Originally created by Jim Knoble <jmknoble@mercury.interpath.net>
# Modified for Debian by alvar Bray <alvar@meiko.co.uk>
# Modified for PPP Server setup by Christoph Lameter <clameter@debian.org>
# To quickly see what options are active in this file, use this command:
#   egrep -v '#|^ *$' /etc/ppp/options

# Specify which DNS Servers the incoming Win95 or WinNT Connection should use
# Two Servers can be remotely configured
# ms-dns
# ms-dns

# Specify which WINS Servers the incoming connection Win95 or WinNT should use
# ms-wins
# ms-wins

# Run the executable or shell command specified after pppd has
# terminated the link.  This script could, for example, issue commands
# to the modem to cause it to hang up if hardware modem control signals
# were not available.
#disconnect "chat -- \d+++\d\c OK ath0 OK"

# async character map -- 32-bit hex; each bit is a character
# that needs to be escaped for pppd to receive it.  0x00000001
# represents '\x01', and 0x80000000 represents '\x1f'.
asyncmap 0

# Require the peer to authenticate itself before allowing network
# packets to be sent or received.
# Please do not disable this setting. It is expected to be standard in
# future releases of pppd. Use the call option (see manpage) to disable
# authentication for specific peers.

# Use hardware flow control (i.e. RTS/CTS) to control the flow of data
# on the serial port.

# Use software flow control (i.e. XON/XOFF) to control the flow of data
# on the serial port.

# Specifies that certain characters should be escaped on transmission
# (regardless of whether the peer requests them to be escaped with its
# async control character map).  The characters to be escaped are
# specified as a list of hex numbers separated by commas.  Note that
# almost any character can be specified for the escape option, unlike
# the asyncmap option which only allows control characters to be
# specified.  The characters which may not be escaped are those with hex
# values 0x20 - 0x3f or 0x5e.
#escape 11,13,ff

# Don't use the modem control lines.

# Specifies that pppd should use a UUCP-style lock on the serial device
# to ensure exclusive access to the device.

# Don't show the passwords when logging the contents of PAP packets.
# This is the default.

# When logging the contents of PAP packets, this option causes pppd to
# show the password string in the log message.

# Use the modem control lines.  On Ultrix, this option implies hardware
# flow control, as for the crtscts option.  (This option is not fully
# implemented.)

# Set the MRU [Maximum Receive Unit] value to <n> for negotiation.  pppd
# will ask the peer to send packets of no more than <n> bytes. The
# minimum MRU value is 128.  The default MRU value is 1500.  A value of
# 296 is recommended for slow links (40 bytes for TCP/IP header + 256
# bytes of data).
#mru 542

# Set the interface netmask to <n>, a 32 bit netmask
 in "decimal dot"
# notation (e.g.

# Disables the default behaviour when no local IP address is specified,
# which is to determine (if possible) the local IP address from the
# hostname. With this option, the peer will have to supply the local IP
# address during IPCP negotiation (unless it specified explicitly on the
# command line or in an options file).

# Enables the "passive" option in the LCP.  With this option, pppd will
# attempt to initiate a connection; if no reply is received from the
# peer, pppd will then just wait passively for a valid LCP packet from
# the peer (instead of exiting, as it does without this option).

# With this option, pppd will not transmit LCP packets to initiate a
# connection until a valid LCP packet is received from the peer (as for
# the "passive" option with old versions of pppd).

# Don't request or allow negotiation of any options for LCP and IPCP
# (use default values).

# Disable Address/Control compression negotiation (use default, i.e.
# address/control field disabled).

# Disable asyncmap negotiation (use the default asyncmap, i.e. escape
# all control characters).

# Don't fork to become a background process (otherwise pppd will do so
# if a serial device is specified).

# Disable IP address negotiation (with this option, the remote IP
# address must be specified with an option on the command line or in
# an options file).

# Disable IPCP negotiation and IP communication. This option should
# only be required if the peer is buggy and gets confused by requests
# from pppd for IPCP negotiation.

# Disable magic number negotiation.  With this option, pppd cannot
# detect a looped-back line.

# Disable MRU [Maximum Receive Unit] negotiation (use default, i.e.
# 1500).

# Disable protocol field compression negotiation (use default, i.e.
# protocol field compression disabled).

# Require the peer to authenticate itself using PAP.

# Don't agree to authenticate using PAP.

# Require the peer to authenticate itself using CHAP [Cryptographic
# Handshake Authentication Protocol] authentication.

# Don't agree to authenticate using CHAP.

# Disable negotiation of Van Jacobson style IP header compression (use
# default, i.e. no compression).

# Increase debugging level (same as -d).  If this option is given, pppd
# will log the contents of all control packets sent or received in a
# readable form.  The packets are logged through syslog with facility
# daemon and level debug. This information can be directed to a file by
# setting up /etc/syslog.conf appropriately (see syslog.conf(5)).  (If
# pppd is compiled with extra debugging enabled, it will log messages
# using facility local2 instead of daemon).

# Append the domain name <d> to the local host name for authentication
# purposes.  For example, if gethostname() returns the name porsche,
# but the fully qualified domain name is porsche.Quotron.COM, you would
# use the domain option to set the domain name to Quotron.COM.
#domain <d>

# Enable debugging code in the kernel-level PPP driver.  The argument n
# is a number which is the sum of the following values: 1 to enable
# general debug messages, 2 to request that the contents of received
# packets be printed, and 4 to request that the contents of transmitted
# packets be printed.
#kdebug n

# Set the MTU [Maximum Transmit Unit] value to <n>. Unless the peer
# requests a smaller value via MRU negotiation, pppd will request that
# the kernel networking code send data packets of no more than n bytes
# through the PPP network interface.
#mtu <n>

# Set the name of the local system for authentication purposes to <n>.
# This is a privileged option. With this option, pppd will use lines in the
# secrets files which have <n> as the second field when looking for a
# secret to use in authenticating the peer. In addition, unless overridden
# with the user option, <n> will be used as the name to send to the peer
# when authenticating the local system to the peer. (Note that pppd does
# not append the domain name to <n>.)
#name <n>

# Enforce the use of the hostname as the name of the local system for
# authentication purposes (overrides the name option).

# Set the assumed name of the remote system for authentication purposes
# to <n>.
#remotename <n>

# Add an entry to this system's ARP [Address Resolution Protocol]
# table with the IP address of the peer and the Ethernet address of this
# system.

# Use the system password database for authenticating the peer using
# PAP. Note: mgetty already provides this option. If this is specified
# then dialin from users using a script under Linux to fire up ppp wont work.
# login

# If this option is given, pppd will send an LCP echo-request frame to the
# peer every n seconds. Normally the peer should respond to the echo-request
# by sending an echo-reply. This option can be used with the
# lcp-echo-failure option to detect that the peer is no longer connected.
lcp-echo-interval 30

# If this option is given, pppd will presume the peer to be dead if n
# LCP echo-requests are sent without receiving a valid LCP echo-reply.
# If this happens, pppd will terminate the connection.  Use of this
# option requires a non-zero value for the lcp-echo-interval parameter.
# This option can be used to enable pppd to terminate after the physical
# connection has been broken (e.g., the modem has hung up) in
# situations where no hardware modem control lines are available.
lcp-echo-failure 4

# Set the LCP restart interval (retransmission timeout) to <n> seconds
# (default 3).
#lcp-restart <n>

# Set the maximum number of LCP terminate-request transmissions to <n>
# (default 3).
#lcp-max-terminate <n>

# Set the maximum number of LCP configure-request transmissions to <n>
# (default 10).
#lcp-max-configure <n>

# Set the maximum number of LCP configure-NAKs returned before starting
# to send configure-Rejects instead to <n> (default 10).
#lcp-max-failure <n>

# Set the IPCP restart interval (retransmission timeout) to <n>
# seconds (default 3).
#ipcp-restart <n>

# Set the maximum number of IPCP terminate-request transmissions to <n>
# (default 3).
#ipcp-max-terminate <n>

# Set the maximum number of IPCP configure-request transmissions to <n>
# (default 10).
#ipcp-max-configure <n>

# Set the maximum number of IPCP configure-NAKs returned before starting
# to send configure-Rejects instead to <n> (default 10).
#ipcp-max-failure <n>

# Set the PAP restart interval (retransmission timeout) to <n> seconds
# (default 3).
#pap-restart <n>

# Set the maximum number of PAP authenticate-request transmissions to
# <n> (default 10).
#pap-max-authreq <n>

# Set the maximum time that pppd will wait for the peer to authenticate
# itself with PAP to <n> seconds (0 means no limit).
#pap-timeout <n>

# Set the CHAP restart interval (retransmission timeout for
# challenges) to <n> seconds (default 3).
#chap-restart <n>

# Set the maximum number of CHAP challenge transmissions to <n>
# (default 10).

# If this option is given, pppd will rechallenge the peer every <n>
# seconds.
#chap-interval <n>

# With this option, pppd will accept the peer's idea of our local IP
# address, even if the local IP address was specified in an option.

# With this option, pppd will accept the peer's idea of its (remote) IP
# address, even if the remote IP address was specified in an option.

# Disable the IPXCP and IPX protocols.
# To let pppd pass IPX packets comment this out --- you'll probably also
# want to install ipxripd, and have the Internal IPX Network option enabled
# in your kernel.  /usr/doc/HOWTO/IPX-HOWTO.gz contains more info.

# Exit once a connection has been made and terminated. This is the default,
# unless the `persist' or `demand' option has been specified.

# Do not exit after a connection is terminated; instead try to reopen
# the connection.

# Terminate after n consecutive failed connection attempts.
# A value of 0 means no limit. The default value is 10.
#maxfail <n>

# Initiate the link only on demand, i.e. when data traffic is present.
# With this option, the remote IP address must be specified by the user on
# the command line or in an options file.  Pppd will initially configure
# the interface and enable it for IP traffic without connecting to the peer.
# When traffic is available, pppd will connect to the peer and perform
# negotiation, authentication, etc.  When this is completed, pppd will
# commence passing data packets (i.e., IP packets) across the link.

# Specifies that pppd should disconnect if the link is idle for <n> seconds.
# The link is idle when no data packets (i.e. IP packets) are being sent or
# received.  Note: it is not advisable to use this option with the persist
# option without the demand option.  If the active-filter option is given,
# data packets which are rejected by the specified activity filter also
# count as the link being idle.
#idle <n>

# Specifies how many seconds to wait before re-initiating the link after
# it terminates.  This option only has any effect if the persist or demand
# option is used.  The holdoff period is not applied if the link was
# terminated because it was idle.
#holdoff <n>

# Wait for up n milliseconds after the connect script finishes for a valid
# PPP packet from the peer.  At the end of this time, or when a valid PPP
# packet is received from the peer, pppd will commence negotiation by
# sending its first LCP packet.  The default value is 1000 (1 second).
# This wait period only applies if the connect or pty option is used.
#connect-delay <n>

# Packet filtering: for more information, see pppd(8)
# Any packets matching the filter expression
 will be interpreted as link
# activity, and will cause a "demand" connection to be activated, and reset
# the idle connection timer. (idle option)
# The filter expression is akin to that of tcpdump(1)
#active-filter <filter-expression>

# ---<End of File>---


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Rq: vpn pptp със linux kanotix debian
« Отговор #9 -: Nov 02, 2006, 15:02 »
Пробвай да добавиш тези редове:

mtu 1400
lcp-max-configure 20

в /etc/ppp/options
в една конзола дай tail -f /var/log/syslog |grep ppp
вдигни pptp интерфейса

Ако пак се осере пейстни това от терминала с онази команда по-горе..


"Knowledge is power" - France is Bacon


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Rq: vpn pptp със linux kanotix debian
« Отговор #10 -: Nov 02, 2006, 15:06 »
Мисля, че горното няма да помогне.
Nov  1 17:15:43 localhost pppd[9856]: Using interface ppp0
Nov  1 17:15:43 localhost pppd[9856]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/4            <==== това не е наред
Nov  1 17:15:47 localhost pppd[9856]: Remote message: Greetings!!
Nov  1 17:15:47 localhost pppd[9856]: PAP authentication succeeded
Nov  1 17:15:47 localhost pppd[9856]: Deflate (9/15) compression enabled
Nov  1 17:15:48 localhost pppd[9856]: found interface eth0 for proxy arp
Nov  1 17:15:48 localhost pppd[9856]: local  IP address
Nov  1 17:15:48 localhost pppd[9856]: remote IP address
Nov  1 17:15:48 localhost pppd[9856]: primary   DNS address
Nov  1 17:15:48 localhost pppd[9856]: secondary DNS address
Nov  1 17:17:00 localhost pppd[9856]: Modem hangup
Nov  1 17:17:00 localhost pppd[9856]: Connect time 1.3 minutes.
Nov  1 17:17:00 localhost pppd[9856]: Sent 17852109 bytes, received 0 bytes.
Nov  1 17:17:00 localhost pppd[9856]: Connection terminated.
Nov  1 17:17:01 localhost pppd[9856]: Exit.
Nov  1 17:17:58 localhost pppd[10349]: no device specified and stdin is not a tty           <== и нормално идва това

Не си мислете, че понеже Вие мислите правилно, всички мислят като Вас! Затова, когато има избори, идете и гласувайте, за да не сте изненадани после от резултата, и за да не твърди всяка партия, че тя е спечелила, а Б.Б. (С.С., ...) е загубил, а трети да управлява.  Наздраве!  [_]3


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Rq: vpn pptp със linux kanotix debian
« Отговор #11 -: Nov 02, 2006, 15:47 »
Цитат (gat3way @ Ноември 02 2006,16:02)
Пробвай да добавиш тези редове:

mtu 1400
lcp-max-configure 20

в /etc/ppp/options
в една конзола дай tail -f /var/log/syslog |grep ppp
вдигни pptp интерфейса

Ако пак се осере пейстни това от терминала с онази команда по-горе..

Ще пробвам това и ако има нещо пак ще пиша.Мерси все пак '<img'>


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Rq: vpn pptp със linux kanotix debian
« Отговор #12 -: Nov 02, 2006, 16:18 »
Цитат (laskov @ Ноември 02 2006,16:06)
Мисля, че горното няма да помогне.
Nov  1 17:15:43 localhost pppd[9856]: Using interface ppp0
Nov  1 17:15:43 localhost pppd[9856]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/4            <==== това не е наред
Nov  1 17:15:47 localhost pppd[9856]: Remote message: Greetings!!
Nov  1 17:15:47 localhost pppd[9856]: PAP authentication succeeded
Nov  1 17:15:47 localhost pppd[9856]: Deflate (9/15) compression enabled
Nov  1 17:15:48 localhost pppd[9856]: found interface eth0 for proxy arp
Nov  1 17:15:48 localhost pppd[9856]: local  IP address
Nov  1 17:15:48 localhost pppd[9856]: remote IP address
Nov  1 17:15:48 localhost pppd[9856]: primary   DNS address
Nov  1 17:15:48 localhost pppd[9856]: secondary DNS address
Nov  1 17:17:00 localhost pppd[9856]: Modem hangup
Nov  1 17:17:00 localhost pppd[9856]: Connect time 1.3 minutes.
Nov  1 17:17:00 localhost pppd[9856]: Sent 17852109 bytes, received 0 bytes.
Nov  1 17:17:00 localhost pppd[9856]: Connection terminated.
Nov  1 17:17:01 localhost pppd[9856]: Exit.
Nov  1 17:17:58 localhost pppd[10349]: no device specified and stdin is not a tty           <== и нормално идва това

А според теб как ще тръгне ? Дай някаква идея ?


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Rq: vpn pptp със linux kanotix debian
« Отговор #13 -: Nov 02, 2006, 17:23 »
Каква архитектура ползваш?
Предполагам, че ползваш ppppoeconf и ако е така, пробвал ли си да дадеш pon dsl-provider?
Edit: Също така, би ли показал съдържанието на /etc/network/interfaces ?


Debian testing 2.6.18, Enlightenment DR17



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Rq: vpn pptp със linux kanotix debian
« Отговор #14 -: Nov 02, 2006, 17:33 »
Цитат (dobritu @ Ноември 02 2006,17:18)
А според теб как ще тръгне ? Дай някаква идея ?

Ясно ми е само, че /dev/pts/4 не е устройството, за което трябва да се закачи ррр-то. Не съм ползвал рртр и не мога да помогна повече. Нека някой, който го ползва, да си погледне лога при закачането на ррр-то и да каже как е при него ...  '<img'>
Да погледнеш pppoe.conf е добра идея.

Не си мислете, че понеже Вие мислите правилно, всички мислят като Вас! Затова, когато има избори, идете и гласувайте, за да не сте изненадани после от резултата, и за да не твърди всяка партия, че тя е спечелила, а Б.Б. (С.С., ...) е загубил, а трети да управлява.  Наздраве!  [_]3

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