
Въпрос: 20 години след промените как оценявате "прехода"?

  • Слаб (2)
    - 8 (23.5%)
    Среден (3)
    - 7 (20.6%)
    Добър (4)
    - 2 (5.9%)
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    - 0 (0%)
    Отличен (6)
    - 1 (2.9%)
    Трябва да се анулира и да почнем отначало
    - 2 (5.9%)
    Преходът беше грешка, трябваше да си останем в социализма
    - 2 (5.9%)
    Не  ме интересува
    - 2 (5.9%)
    Не мога да преценя
    - 2 (5.9%)

Общ брой гласове: 23

Автор Тема: 20 години по-късно  (Прочетена 9193 пъти)


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Re: 20 години по-късно
« Отговор #45 -: Nov 11, 2009, 20:47 »
През далечната 1985 (т.е. още преди перестройката и нашият велик преход) един бивш чехословашки генерал Ян Сейна емигрира в САЩ и издава книгата "We Will Bury You", в която описва част от плановете на КГБ.
Ето една статия на J. Nyquist от далечната 2000 г, в която се цитира от книгата на Сейна:
Въобще старите неща на Nyquist са добри. Особено края е много актуален:

In order to convince the West of Moscow's sincerity in this phase of the plan, which would occur in the 1990s, the Warsaw Pact alliance would be dissolved. In 1982 Sejna admitted that this future dissolution would not be spontaneous. Instead, it was a carefully prepared deception operation. The dissolution of Russia's East European alliance, explained Sejna, would not change the security equation in Europe because of "a web of bilateral defence arrangements, to be supervised by secret committees of Comecon."

What is even more alarming, if you study Sejna's writings, are repeated hints about a massive economic sabotage operation against the West. "The Soviet view," wrote Sejna, "was that during Phase Three Capitalism would suffer an economic crisis that would bring Europe to its knees.."

What would trigger this crisis?

According to Soviet forecasts, wrote Sejna, the "Middle East regimes would respond to our strategy and, through their oil, give us the ability to deliver a paralyzing blow to Capitalism." This would further the demoralization of the West, so that the people would lose faith in democratic institutions, preparing the way for socialism.

If the stock market crashed, if the dollar was devaluated, if banks failed and millions lost their jobs -- which political ideology would gain the most ground? Would it be socialism or free-market capitalism?

If the people of Russia are willing to embrace the hated Communist system because of present economic hardships, the peoples of Western Europe and America might also turn to the left -- to Marxist solutions.

It is not only in Russia that people's faith in democracy and capitalism can be systematically smashed. This can also happen in America. And perhaps it will happen sooner than anyone expects.

Да предположа ли че БББ ще се провали?  ;D

Оптимистът изучава английски език. Песимистът - китайски. А реалистът - автомат Калашников.


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Re: 20 години по-късно
« Отговор #46 -: Nov 11, 2009, 21:43 »
nifelheim, нима вярваш, че руснаците имат толкова акъл и такова коварство, за да осъществят подобен план?  :o
Аз по-скоро бих се хванал за думите на Айнщайн, макар че също не е изключено човека по някаква причина да се е заблудил.  ^-^

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