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Vuprosi otgovori
Vupros: Ubuntu i MPlayer
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Kum nachaloto |Dobavi vupros |Otgovori
Ot: Rehsals Data: 09/28/2006
 Nqkoi 6te mi kaje li kak da instaliram Mplayer na ubuntu
mersi mnogo

Otgovor #1
Ot: Rehsals Data: 09/28/2006
s i686 sum na 64bit

Otgovor #2
Ot: madmax Data: 09/28/2006
drupni si gi i po4vai da instalvash ! 
 ne sum zapoznat tochno s ubunto no bi triabvalo taka da trugne

Otgovor #3
Ot: zen Data: 09/28/2006
Izpolzvai Automatix. Snego mojesh da si kachish Mplayer, 
codeci,shriftove i drugii to bez da kompilirash.

 How to install Automatix on Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu 
Read #General Notes 
Automatix is a graphical interface for automating the 
 installation of the most commonly requested applications in

Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu linux. 
 Note: Before installing, please note that certain codecs it

provides may be prohibited in certain countries. You are 
responsible for ensuring those laws are not broken. 
using your favorite text editor (kwrite, gedit) 
gksudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list

Uncomment the following lines 
#deb dapper main
#deb-src dapper main

 If you use Ubuntu or Xubuntu Dapper, add the following line

to the end of the file. 
deb dapper main

If you use Kubuntu, add the following line to the end of 
the file. 
deb kubuntu main 

Save the file and close it 
Acquire GPG key 
gpg --import key.gpg.asc
gpg --export --armor 521A9C7C | sudo apt-key add -

Run the following commands to install Automatix 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install zenity
sudo apt-get install automatix

Automatix can be started from the command line 

It will be added to the Menu, as well 
Menu -> System -> Automatix-Kubuntu

Otgovor #4
Ot: Rehsals Data: 09/28/2006
Mnogo golqmo blagodarq

Otgovor #5
Ot: Rehsals Data: 09/28/2006
 Vsi4ko dobre stra6no mnogo ne6ta mi se instaliraha ama
 MPlayer, Skype, Azureus koito nai-mnogo me interesuvat ne se

Otgovor #6
Ot: dhelix Data: 09/28/2006
Predpolagam,che si s Dapper:

vizh tova URL ^

Otgovor #7
Ot: zen Data: 09/30/2006
Probvai pak. Kato ti se otvori ekrana s programite 
markirai v kvadrat4etata(slagai 4avki)za tezi koito iska6 
da iztegli6.

Otgovor #8
Ot: Rehsals Data: 09/30/2006
e dade az taka prava ama nqkoi ne se instalirat

Otgovor #9
Ot: zen Data: 09/30/2006
 Nai-veroiatno problema  e v hranilishtata. Sigurno si
 dobavil v  /etc/apt/sources.list  hranilis6tata na
 Automatix. Moje vremenno da ne sa aktivni. Osven tova za da
 trugne Automatix triabva da izteglish paketa "zenity".Bez
nego ne stava.

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