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Vuprosi otgovori
Vupros: Ami s edna duma Biznes
[Tursi: ]

VNIMANIE: Izpolzvaite forumite na saita za da zadadete vashite vuprosi.

Kum nachaloto |Dobavi vupros |Otgovori
Ot: HuK (nik22 __@__ abv __tochka__ bg) Data: 05/18/2004
 Predlagam na vnimanieto na niakoi rodolyubiv Bulgarin da ni
 predostavi kruchmata + kebapchiinitsata za edin petuk za sreshta
 na Linuks klub "Open Klub Plovdiv" Garantirame 50 Lv smetka
 i sme 5 seriozni i mnogo neseriozni piiachi kato maksimalniia
 ni nroi e 25 kato ne se broi traditsionniia Imstall Fest
 kogato se praznuva praznika na svobodniia softuer i ima masa
 PTS-ta naokolo ili kakto kazva priiatelia mi ZHoro det e
 Programist (niama da vi kazha na kakvo) "Bashta kazva na sina si
"sinko ne pipai sluntseto to dobre si sveti"  !!! "

Otgovor #1
Ot: Maznislav Data: 05/18/2004
 Za koga za o4akva sybiraneto da vidq kvo moga da napravq po

Otgovor #2
Ot: HuK (nik22 (a) abv__dot__bg) Data: 05/18/2004
 bBlog need to be able to write to disk to store it's cache
 of templates, and if you want to use the favorites

 We will now check the permissions of the 'cache' folder, the
 'compiled_templates' folder, and the 'cache/favorites.xml'
 file. They all need to be writable by the webserver. This
 will involve chmodding the folders and files with your ftp
 client ( if you're not using ftp you probally know what do
 do here ). Permissions should either be 775. If that doesn't
work, 777 will. 

 Additionally, ./config.php should be writable during the
 install. At the end of the install when the config file is
 written to disk, you should change the permissions back so
it is not writable by the webserver.

./cache is NOT writable
./compiled_templates is NOT writable
./cache/favorites.xml is NOT writable
./config.php is NOT writable

Otgovor #3
Ot: HuK (nik22 (a) abv__dot__bg) Data: 05/19/2004
Ami za sriada smv v PLAZMA 
a za petuk niakoi da go izmisli !
Za tova sum pusnal tazi obiava !

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© 2011-... Asotsiatsiia "Linuks za bulgari"
© 2007-2010 Linuks za bulgari EOOD
© 1999-2006 Slavej Karadjov
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